I will share with all of ya, a story, that was told since a very long ago -I really don't know exactly since when-.
But I know we are talking about XIX century or something like that, well... Pay attention to the whole story, and I hope you'll pee yourself with this!! because I did too when I was 6 years old... and if you find it quite boring... you'll know I'm a boring person! xD lol.
This is the story - a tiny one- of:
The Covered Lady
Unce upon a time, in the ancient Guayaquil*, people said that men were not strong enough to cross the old cementery at midnight, and specially drunk, because, the saying says that a beautiful gleamed white-dressed lady, prowls alone.
A little group of men decided to challenge said mistery, and at 12:00pm visited the old cementery.
They were walking. looking up for that beautiful lady. when by sudden, they recognized her, as a white sphinx stood there, on the grave.
Some men ran away, because they felt frightened, and just one brave man could approached to her.
Then he started to chase her, he can watch, slightly, a beautiful face beneath the veil. She was making a sort of game.
Then, when they were very close he asked her to unwrap her face, and then, she obbeid. In fact, she was very beautiful, bright white teeths, pink cheeks, crimson lips, with her brows perfectly draw.
The lady asked him with a soft sweet voice if he could make her company, because she was very lonesome. The man did accept.
They were walking and talking, when by sudden, the lady stopped. She turns her body to him and lift her white veil. There was something wrong, the man thought.
She approached to him and unwraped her face... showing him a horrible skull. The eyesholes sparkled a roten green light, and the teeths were as black as ebony. Then, the man ran away, screaming. So... the moral of the fable is... Don't prowl drunk in a cementery, or this lady could catch ya! XD
*Lo Nuestro means "Ours"
*Guayaquil, is the main city of Ecuador.
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